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Forensic & Investigative Auditing

The role of internal audit has changed a great deal over the last few years.

Some estimates suggest that fraud or corruption reduces the turnover of the average organisation by up to 5%. Alongside organisational theft, your firewall or financial systems might be under attack from cyber criminals. The increase in computer processing and online transactions bring new risks to which auditors need to be able to respond.

Expertise in identifying high-risk areas and the skills to combat these kinds of fraud are more important than ever. Combating crime of this kind as an auditor also requires expertise in gathering information, investigations, interviewing, analysis, record-keeping and document management.

Where police forces do not have the time or skills to undertake investigations of this nature, the chances of a successful investigation or recovering losses are slim unless you have the forensic skills to undertake this investigation yourself. This practical course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to undertake and lead forensic auditing and be an anti-fraud champion in your organisation.

Using case studies and interactive exercises, this course will be your road map through the major fraud concerns facing organizations today. You will cover investigative principles, forensic auditing and rules of evidence and sentencing guideline.


  • Audit Involvement in Fraud cases
  • Financial Analysis as a fraud Detection Tool
  • Forensic Auditing
  • Responsibilities of the Audit Committee and Non-Executive Directors
  •  What distinguishes Export Evidence?
  • The Criminal and Civil Procedures
  •  What is the evidence of Opinion?
  • Sentencing Guidelines
  •  Investigative Principles
  • Uncovering Hidden Assets
  • Corporate Outlaws: Profiles in Fraud
  •  Working with Other Experts Working as an Expert Witness
  •  The Nature of Forensic Accountancy


Financial Auditors, Operational Auditors, IS Auditors, and Information Security professionals


The course will help delegates develop the road map through the major fraud concerns facing organizations today. They will cover investigative principles, forensic auditing and rules of evidence and sentencing guideline among others.


Modern and effective training techniques will be used by facilitators, including:

  • Presentation: PowerPoint and/ video
  • Case studies review
  • Demonstrations


  • If you would like SINOP to arrange the offsite location and package, a detailed budget can be provided.
  • Cost includes Two weeks of free advice to participants on the training area.
  • Certificate of participation.

If your training will involve multiple teams, as in the case of the current proposal, the Bunge team will have the opportunity to take advantage of breakout spaces that allow different teams to interact with each other during breaks from the training session. The possibility of team members rushing back to their desks during breaks will be eliminated. Therefore, the offsite concept remains an opportunity to encourage inter-team networking.

When training events are held at the office, interruption (especially the staff) is inevitable. Colleagues walking in with “quick” questions and which in most cases could wait till after the training. While there will be some exceptions to this, training sessions will benefit from being away from the office as it will minimize these disruptions. Offsite training is captivating and makes sure messages are effectively conveyed. That is, being at a different location from the usual working environment can eliminate distractions and provide delegates with the opportunity to fully grasp the new information.

Off-Site Package


Coffee Breaks and Lunch Buffet: To be provided

Date: May 27 - 28, 2023

Duration:1 Full Day Workshop

Hotel Accommodation: N/A

Venue: Holiday Inn Accra Airport

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