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Our Commitment

In today’s economy, the direction of change is unpredictable, and time is not on any one’s side. As such, knowledge of market trends and the readiness to respond to rapid changes are key to the survival of your business.

  • That is why SINOP supports your business by delivering the most appropriate solutions towards growth and sustainability.
  • We guide you to make strategic decisions that will add value to you and your customers.
  • We are COMMITTED to delivering products and services that are economically prudent, socially responsible, and environmentally acceptable.

General Policy

Our people are at the heart of everything we do. We therefore understand the importance of maintaining a workplace without injuries and instances of occupational ill- health. We belief that good health and safety management makes good business sense. The directors of SINOP and its subsidiaries accept the moral and legal responsibility for sustaining the health and safety of our employees and other parties who may be directly affected by our operations. It is very important to us that you understand that we care and that we have taken the time to set out policies to ensure we deliver quality products safely and sustainably.

Health, Safety, Security, Environment And Quality Policy

SINOP Group Limited and its subsidiaries are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment for our staff, clients, and agents. We prioritize putting together the right systems and structures to prevent occupational illness and injury. We express this commitment through the following policy on occupational health and safety:

  • The leadership of SINOP takes utmost responsibility for the health and safety of its workers, contractors, agents, and visitors within the working area.
  • Our leaders are dedicated to the objective of eliminating any possibility of injury and illness and we take all reasonable precautions to prevent harm and injury.
  • We have trained supervisors to ensure all workers follow our HSSEQ policy and these supervisors have a general responsibility for ensuring the safety of equipment and the facility at large.
  • Every staff, agent, contractor, or visitor has a duty to promptly report any hazardous conditions, injury, accident, or illness related to the workplace to a supervisor or manager.
  • Every staff, agent, contractor, or visitor has a duty to protect their health and safety by complying to applicable Acts and Regulations, policies, procedures, rules, and instructions as prescribed by SINOP Group Limited.
  • SINOP will, where possible, eliminate hazards and if that is not possible, all workers will be required to use safety equipment, clothing, devices, and materials for personal protection.
  • SINOP recognizes the worker’s duty to identify hazards and supports and encourages workers to play an active role in identifying hazards and offering suggestions or ideas to improve our health and safety program.