Joint venture accounting for the oil & gas industry
The complexity of the oil and gas industries frequently results in projects being undertaken by joint ventures, alliances and other strategic groupings. Forming a successful alliance, whatever its format, is a complex process requiring a high degree of experience and expertise. This course explains the nature and form of joint ventures and summarizes the requirements of IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures and the relevant requirements under US and UK GAAP.
This programme also covers a number of issues regarding the relationships between operators and non-operators in joint ventures, the financing of joint venture operations and the reporting of joint costs. Our expert instructors also describe internal accounting for the costs and revenues from joint operations from the individual participant’s point-of-view. The programme includes an overview of the Joint Arrangements exposure draft issued by the IASB in September 2007, for which a final standard is expected in the second half of 2008.
- Characteristic Features of the Oil and Gas Industry
- Scale of operations
- Nature and timing of cash flows
- Risks
- Determination of success
- The Nature of Joint Ventures and Reasons Why Oil and Gas Companies Participate in Them
- Typical Provisions of Joint Venture Agreements
- IAS 31 Interests in Joint Ventures
- US and UK GAAP Requirements Regarding Joint Ventures
- Relationship Between Operator and Non-operator Participants
- The Financing of Joint Ventures – Billing Statements and Cash Flow Reporting
- Reporting of Expenditures
- Budgets and Approvals
- Cost Allocation Methods and Issues
- Revenue Recognition Relating to Over and Under-lifting
- Unitizations and Adjustment of Interests
- Audits
- Overview of the IASB Joint Arrangements Exposure Draft.
This program will be of most benefit to energy industry professionals who are currently working in the accounts department of the oil and gas industry or require additional knowledge in Joint Venture Accounting in the Oil and Gas industry.
Modern and effective training techniques will be used by facilitators, including:
- Presentation: PowerPoint and/ video
- Case studies review
- Demonstrations
- If you would like SINOP to arrange the offsite location and package, a detailed budget can be provided.
- Cost includes Two weeks of free advice to participants on the training area.
- Certificate of participation.
If your training will involve multiple teams, as in the case of the current
proposal, the Bunge team will have the opportunity to take advantage of
breakout spaces that allow different teams to interact with each other during
breaks from the training session. The possibility of team members rushing
back to their desks during breaks will be eliminated. Therefore, the offsite
concept remains an opportunity to encourage inter-team networking.
When training events are held at the office, interruption (especially the staff)
is inevitable. Colleagues walking in with “quick” questions and which in most
cases could wait till after the training. While there will be some exceptions to
this, training sessions will benefit from being away from the office as it will
minimize these disruptions. Offsite training is captivating and makes sure
messages are effectively conveyed. That is, being at a different location from
the usual working environment can eliminate distractions and provide
delegates with the opportunity to fully grasp the new information.
Off-Site Package
Coffee Breaks and Lunch Buffet: To be provided
Date: May 13 - 14, 2023
Duration:1 Full Day Workshop
Hotel Accommodation: N/A
Venue: Holiday Inn Accra Airport